Thank fish

︎︎︎2024 Thank fish
Single-channel video

Thank Fish is a single-channel video piece formed with visual layerings. It is not just stacking; it is emergence, gathering around the artist's gratitude towards fish, golden, the gold body of fish. In Lenormand, fish symbolizes money; in Chinese culture, the flow of water is a metaphor for money. It comes and goes, flowing in and out, not something held tightly in hand. Fish symbolizes luck. As children, many have kept goldfish and ended up with dead fish, perhaps a first lesson in death. One would return to that moment of shattered understanding, those inexplicable things that, because they are unspoken, become deeply significant, unforgettable, and special—a moment of change.

Thanking Fish, swimming back and forth, traces of life. The flowing water of summer.

《Thank Fish》是一件通过视觉层层叠加形成的单频视频作品。这不仅仅是堆叠,而是某种涌现,围绕着艺术家对鱼的感激之情——金色的鱼身,黄金般的鱼。


